When topics discussed are about the Internet, I always seem to have a lot of questions and being regarded as a person with a lot of questions by the panelists at IMRB’s launch of WAM in India at ‘Internet Works!’ I proved my point of being the confused man :-)
I completely agree to the perspectives of the panelist
- Thomas Puliyel, president, IMRB International - for showcasing the need of the B2B Consumer.
- R Gowthaman, leader, South Asia, Mindshare when he said Digital is a marketing medium rather than an advertising medium
- Nitin Mathur, director, marketing, Yahoo! India - Investment and Collaboration is required to make this work
- Sam Balsara, chairperson, Madison World - to which figures do I believe? Credibility is important
This reminded me of a campaign I monitored on the clients behalf on the number of entry points to the particular website via our campaign just to see the effectiveness. The hits were about 2000 rather than the claimed 6000 by the media publishing firm! (Of course, I did put up a tracking code secretly to collect intelligence reports via analytics)
WAM – Internet Audience Measurement
- Ideal to measure audience via Age
- Gender
- Profile
- SEC A, B C/D/E
- Only for India, Source is a panel of 5000 users
- Currently monitors 800 websites
- Based on software installed in machines
- Based on logic of usage pattern of users, loses out on Mobile Internet usage which is 23%
Being able to read the product description before the actual product launch was actually a disadvantage as it left the audience a little confused. However, here, I would like to exploit all my views in detail.
But before that, a couple of things I noted about this new toy for media boys/girls:
One can filter audience using the internet by:
- Age Categories 15 – 24 yrs, 25+
- Gender
- SEC A, SEC B and SEC C/D/E
- Top 8 metros usage and Rest of India Usage categories
- Across group pages category analysis
- Reach
- Page Views
- (W)eb (R)ating (P)oints
- Monitors data from cybercafés, homes excludes mobile access
- You can analyze trends by Date, Number of Days, By Weeks and By months
- You can do media planning by Reach, Page views, by impressions and frequency
- You can profile audience by finding users who views the site and profiling of those people viewing the site.
The Knowledge I had before hand:
- I read the product details from the brochures initially kept on tables, before the launch (they were later taken away just to be given back during the launch)
- A free tool called Google Ad Planner that can help you build a media plan for the internet and is based directly on people searches
- Services very similar to Google Analytics which need to be incorporated on site to collect massive data. Google Analytics has a 86% precision when compared to some paid software with 90% precision.
Google Ad Planner features (FREE)
- Find basic information of a particular website used in India and Global
- Find target website and audiences by filter through vast categories and target India state-wise
- Data Source: Google Search Query
- Data not available for Google.com or any of its subsidiaries
- This data is not available for India – Demography is not available, Economic Classes, Gender and trend view over the days
Having said this, I still find that Internet is a still a complex medium to monitor.
The product launch did remind of my swimming days where I witnessed the opening of the National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NITK). This swimming pool was built by the top engineers who had closed minds. They avoided looking at the world and spent crores to build this epic. They built a pool that was dug deep into the ground like the traditional ones forgetting that they could save much more expenses by building an elevated pool with a modernized feel.
I find the same approach been taken for WAM. I felt the fundamental approach was out of sync with the internet’s complex nature of being accessible from various devices and networks. Thus it ended up having a panel of users to be lab rats for source. This concept was very much followed by IMRB’s other product which are commendable. But when it comes to monitoring the INTERNET, I feel its a different ball game and that IMRB needes a collaborative approach while monitoring data on the internet.
How would I use WAM?
Firstly, if I were to buy it, I would create a fusion between the WAM & Google Ad Planner and then create a media plan.
I certainly do not intend to say that this new product is all wrong and media plans cannot be created based on it because I am very happy that IMRB has taken an initiative to venture into the online monitoring space. It obviously needs tweaking considering its still in its nascent stages at a base of 5000 users and counting.
Bridging the Gap: My Suggestions to the WAM Team:
Along with your current approach create an alternate approach which is world standard by:
Along with your current approach create an alternate approach which is world standard by:
- Offering a tracking code for free - similar to that of Google Analytics code but with further break ups so that the owner can monitor his website Analytics thus believe his site than media owners
- WAM’s Main Software needs to be a fusion of the current approach and the data collected by these tracking codes
- Have a real good look at Google ad planner, it helps internet media planners to target a class of people based on interests and industry. As media planners, we will require such categorization.
- Have a sales team in place to not only sell your monitoring product but to promote the tracking code to be put up on websites for free
- Your competition is global when it comes to tracking India Online as it simply cannot be based on a panel of 0.0074% users of the Internet population in India which does not include the Mobile Users at 23% of the Internet Population. This alternate approach along with your current will help you track almost everything
Nice suggestions Aniket. Hope IMRB team is reading this and more importantly considering it in their future upgrades..
ReplyDeleteYa... if upgrades like the ones I mentioned above are in, then I guess that would be more of a collaborative effort by IMRB. However they need to take care when executing the same.
ReplyDeleteThere was a comment from the WAM team here ... for some reason it has been removed. Not sure why?
ReplyDeleteWell, i want the WAM team to reply cause I have suggested them some stuff...Good and bad suggestions are always welcome... Well it also helps me clear my views on the product.... So if your a WAM team member I would suggest you to throw more light on the product. cause I dont remove! and stop being anonymous... cause we are talking about a product that can be the next best thing in Online Measurement and start giving suggestion. As Nitin Mathur said... Collaboration is very important!... Cheers
ReplyDeleteOk my bad Anonymous... its weird that the post got removed.... luckily I got a copy of it in my mail box so here I post it again.. Well may be the WAM team itself removed it!
ReplyDeleteBy the way the 23% of mobile internet users is there in your video recording during the product launch.
As I said in the main post. My way of using WAM will be to use both WAM + Google AdPlanner and create a fusioned optimized Media Plan. Its just that the base is small in WAM and thus promts me to do the same. Also my suggestion include to use both ways of collecting data cause there are 5 unique things of WAM which Ad planner doesnt give and there are few things in AdPlanner that is not showcased by WAM.
All the best! Look forward for upgrades to make the next cover-up whenever it is....much better!
Following is the WAM team transcript...
WAM Team has left a new comment on your post "IMRB launches WAM: What is it?":
Hi Aniketh, Thanks for your constructive suggestions to improve WAM.
Mobile Internet in its current avatar is a different ball game altogether. There are a variety of devices, browsers and operating systems that govern the mobile eco-system. Further, our internal estimates say that the number of users on mobile Internet is much less than the 23% quoted here. Having said this, I agree that mobile is going to be a main access point soon - we are waiting for the telcos to launch 3G, and would be announcing our plans in the space after that. For the time being, WAM system is able to capture Internet usage from Laptops and Desktops and across all versions of IE (6, 7, 8 and 9beta) FF (latest release), Chrome (latest release), Yahoo! Messenger, GTalk and MSN Live. As per our calculations this itself covers about 95% of the Internet usage in India.
The power of WAM is really in the reporting. Suppose there is a cricket match on 20th October. With WAM, you can actually see the reach on that particular day in the time slot (2 pm to 10pm) and at an hourly level. No system quoted above can deliver that granularity in the analysis. Incidently, Google Ad Planner is reporting data for YouTube and Orkut - its key display based properties.
Also as per sampling theory, a sample of 5000 is a very robust one. We do understand the complexity of the Internet (I have been personally researching Internet markets for more than a decade now), and long tail phenomenon is very tough to capture in Internet (even Google reports 250 sites). We accept that the a sample of 5000 is a beginning and we are gearing towards increasing the same.
I completely agree on tracking code suggestion. However, our system is a user based system and not a server based system. Globally the research companies are moving towards a hybrid panel-server based system, though tracking codes is not the only technology deployed. Usually tracking codes are seen with disdain by advertisers as not all publishers deploy them, giving an undue advantage to the publishers.
Thanks again for your comments. Look forward to more suggestions to improve the system.
WAM Team
I guess the WAM comment was removed cause the comment was very long by google as it prompted me the same.. Anyway.. if this post gets removed again.. I'll split it!
ReplyDeleteHi Aniketh, Thanks for posting the comment back again.
ReplyDeleteHere's link for the video that was shown during the event:
Thanks again for your suggestions - we are seriously considering some of the points you mentioned. Will update soon soon on our next set of plans :)
WAM Team