Saturday, September 18, 2010

Planning Vs Execution

Planning without execution is another form of wasting time. If you plan to do something, but don’t do it, what’s the point? Many companies and marketers, however, do a lot of this. Lots of planning, lots of meetings, lots of PowerPoint presentation, but no action.

It’s fine to not execute everything you plan for. In fact, that’s a required part of the process. You have to plan and create a strategy, sometimes, to know whether execution is even worth it. But you should also make sure, despite investing time in a good plan & strategy, that you always have a bias for action and velocity towards getting something done to measure, optimize, and drive results. Plans don’t execute themselves.

Execution without strategy isn’t a whole lot better. It’s basically guessing. Too often marketers today confuse having a “bias for action” with moving straight to execution on a new idea. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn’t. Why? Because you didn’t take the time to know what success should look like, understand whether your execution is the best way to get there, and be thoughtful about how you’ll not only execute, but measure the revenue-generating results that come out of that work.

This doesn’t mean spending forever building a strategy. It just means having a plan and roadmap before the train leaves the station.

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