Friday, October 22, 2010

How to Sell Yourself -- Carefully

Self-promotion, done well, increases your visibility and advertises the value you deliver to your team and your company. But mastering the delicate art of self-promotion isn't easy. Overdo it, and you're a grandstander; duck it, and you miss out on the credit--and visibility--you deserve. The following points draws on the wisdom and experience of management experts to give you useful tips on effective self-promotion.

  1. Offer information about your accomplishments by weaving anecdotes (that include others besides yourself) into the flow of discussion
  2. Build a network of appreciative colleagues and bosses by taking on tasks for them and following through
  3. Prepare a brief and informal "bragalogue" to have at the ready when the CEO or senior-level executives ask you about your work
  4. Be sensitive about the timing of your self-promoting remarks. With forethought and practice, you can increase your skill in subtly drawing others' attention to the contributions you make to your organization.

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